- lbm_caiman_python.calculate_num_patches(image, stride, overlap)[source]#
Calculate the total number of patches in an image given stride and rf.
- Parameters:
- image_sizetuple
Size of the image as (df, cols).
- strideint
Half-size of the patches in pixels (patch width is rf*2 + 1).
- overlapint
Amount of overlap between patches in pixels.
- Returns:
- int
Total number of patches.
- lbm_caiman_python.clean_batch(df)[source]#
Clean a batch of DataFrame entries by removing unsuccessful df from storage.
This function iterates over the df of the given DataFrame, identifies df where the ‘outputs’ column is either None or a dictionary containing a ‘success’ key with a False value. For each such row, the corresponding item is removed using the df.caiman.remove_item() method, and the removal is saved to disk.
- Parameters:
- dfpandas.DataFrame
The DataFrame to be cleaned. It must have a ‘uuid’ column for identification and an ‘outputs’ column containing a dictionary with a ‘success’ key.
- Returns:
- pandas.DataFrame
The DataFrame reloaded from disk after unsuccessful items have been removed.
If ‘outputs’ is None or does not contain ‘success’ as a key with a value of False, the row will be removed.
>>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame({ ... 'uuid': ['123', '456', '789'], ... 'outputs': [{'success': True}, {'success': False}, None] ... }) >>> cleaned_df = clean_batch(df) Removing unsuccessful batch row 1. Row 1 deleted. Removing unsuccessful batch row 2. Row 2 deleted.
- lbm_caiman_python.combine_z_planes(results: dict)[source]#
Combines all z-planes in the results dictionary into a single estimates object.
- Parameters:
- results (dict): Dictionary with estimates for each z-plane.
- Returns:
- estimates.Estimates: Combined estimates for all z-planes.
- lbm_caiman_python.concat_param_diffs(input_df, param_diffs)[source]#
Add parameter differences to the input DataFrame.
- Parameters:
- input_dfDataFrame
The input DataFrame containing a ‘batch_index’ column.
- param_diffsDataFrame
The DataFrame containing the parameter differences for each batch.
- Returns:
- input_dfDataFrame
The input DataFrame with the parameter differences added.
>>> import pandas as pd >>> import lbm_caiman_python as lcp >>> import lbm_mc as mc >>> batch_df = mc.load_batch('path/to/batch.pickle') >>> metrics_files = lcp.summary.compute_mcorr_metrics_batch(batch_df) >>> metrics_df = lcp.summary._create_df_from_metric_files(metrics_files) >>> param_diffs = batch_df.caiman.get_params_diffs("mcorr", item_name=batch_df.iloc[0]["item_name"]) >>> final_df = lcp.concat_param_diffs(metrics_df, param_diffs) >>> print(final_df.head())
- lbm_caiman_python.default_params()[source]#
Default parameters for both registration and CNMF. The exception is gSiz being set relative to gSig.
- Returns:
- dict
Dictionary of default parameter values for registration and segmentation.
This will likely change as CaImAn is updated.
- lbm_caiman_python.fix_scan_phase(data_in: ndarray, offset: int)[source]#
Corrects the scan phase of the data based on a given offset along a specified dimension.
- lbm_caiman_python.generate_patch_view(image: Any, pixel_resolution: float, target_patch_size: int = 40, overlap_fraction: float = 0.5)[source]#
Generate a patch visualization for a 2D image with approximately square patches of a specified size in microns. Patches are evenly distributed across the image, using calculated strides and overlaps.
- Parameters:
- imagendarray
A 2D NumPy array representing the input image to be divided into patches.
- pixel_resolutionfloat
The pixel resolution of the image in microns per pixel.
- target_patch_sizefloat, optional
The desired size of the patches in microns. Default is 40 microns.
- overlap_fractionfloat, optional
The fraction of the patch size to use as overlap between patches. Default is 0.5 (50%).
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib.figure.Figure
A matplotlib figure containing the patch visualization.
- axmatplotlib.axes.Axes
A matplotlib axes object showing the patch layout on the image.
>>> import numpy as np >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> data = np.random.random((144, 600)) # Example 2D image >>> pixel_resolution = 0.5 # Microns per pixel >>> fig, ax = generate_patch_view(data, pixel_resolution) >>> plt.show()
- lbm_caiman_python.get_all_batch_items(files: list, algo='all') DataFrame [source]#
Load all cnmf items from a list of .pickle files.
- Parameters:
- fileslist
List of .pickle files to load.
- algostr, optional
Algorithm to filter by. Default is “all”. Options are “cnmf”, “cnmfe”, “mcorr” and “all”.
- Returns:
- dfDataFrame
DataFrame containing all items with the specified algorithm
- lbm_caiman_python.get_batch_from_path(batch_path)[source]#
Load or create a batch at the given batch_path.
- lbm_caiman_python.get_files_ext(base_dir, extension, max_depth) list [source]#
Recursively searches for files with a specific extension up to a given depth and stores their paths in a pickle file.
- Parameters:
- base_dirstr or Path
The base directory to start searching.
- extensionstr
The file extension to look for (e.g., ‘.txt’).
- max_depthint
The maximum depth of subdirectories to search.
- Returns:
- list
A list of full file paths matching the given extension.
- lbm_caiman_python.get_metadata(file: PathLike | str)[source]#
Extract metadata from a TIFF file. This can be a raw ScanImage TIFF or one processed via [lbm_caiman_python.save_as()](#save_as).
- Parameters:
- file: os.PathLike
Path to the TIFF file.
- Returns:
- dict
Metadata extracted from the TIFF file.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If no metadata is found in the TIFF file. This can occur when the file is not a ScanImage TIFF.
- lbm_caiman_python.get_noise_fft(Y, noise_range=None, noise_method='logmexp', max_num_samples_fft=3072)[source]#
Compute the noise level in the Fourier domain for a given signal.
- Parameters:
- Yndarray
Input data array. The last dimension is treated as time.
- noise_rangelist of float, optional
Frequency range to estimate noise, by default [0.25, 0.5].
- noise_methodstr, optional
Method to compute the mean noise power spectral density (PSD), by default “logmexp”.
- max_num_samples_fftint, optional
Maximum number of samples to use for FFT computation, by default 3072.
- Returns:
- tuple
- snfloat or ndarray
Estimated noise level.
- psdxndarray
Power spectral density of the input data.
- lbm_caiman_python.get_single_patch_coords(dims, stride, overlap, patch_index)[source]#
Get coordinates of a single patch based on stride, overlap parameters of motion-correction.
- Parameters:
- dimstuple
Dimensions of the image as (rows, cols).
- strideint
Number of pixels to include in each patch.
- overlapint
Number of pixels to overlap between patches.
- patch_indextuple
Index of the patch to return.
- lbm_caiman_python.get_summary_batch(df) DataFrame [source]#
Create a summary of successful and unsuccessful runs for each algorithm.
- Parameters:
- df
- Returns:
- lbm_caiman_python.greedyROI(Y, nr=30, gSig=[5, 5], gSiz=[11, 11], nIter=5, kernel=None, nb=1, rolling_sum=False, rolling_length=100, seed_method='auto')[source]#
Greedy initialization of spatial and temporal components using spatial Gaussian filtering
- Parameters:
Y – np.array 3d or 4d array of fluorescence data with time appearing in the last axis.
nr – int number of components to be found
gSig – scalar or list of integers standard deviation of Gaussian kernel along each axis
gSiz – scalar or list of integers size of spatial component
nIter – int number of iterations when refining estimates
kernel – np.ndarray User specified kernel to be used, if present, instead of Gaussian (default None)
nb – int Number of background components
rolling_max – boolean Detect new components based on a rolling sum of pixel activity (default: True)
rolling_length – int Length of rolling window (default: 100)
seed_method – str {‘auto’, ‘manual’, ‘semi’} methods for choosing seed pixels ‘semi’ detects nr components automatically and allows to add more manually if running as notebook ‘semi’ and ‘manual’ require a backend that does not inline figures, e.g. %matplotlib tk
- Returns:
- np.array
2d array of size (# of pixels) x nr with the spatial components. Each column is ordered columnwise (matlab format, order=’F’)
- C: np.array
2d array of size nr X T with the temporal components
- center: np.array
2d array of size nr x 2 [ or 3] with the components centroids
- Return type:
- Author:
- Eftychios A. Pnevmatikakis and Andrea Giovannucci based on a matlab implementation by Yuanjun Gao
Simons Foundation, 2015
- lbm_caiman_python.load_batch(batch_path: str | Path)[source]#
Load a batch after transfering it from a Windows to a POSIX system or vice versa.
- Parameters:
- batch_pathstr, Path
The path to the batch file.
- Returns:
- pandas.DataFrame
The loaded batch.
- lbm_caiman_python.params_from_metadata(metadata)[source]#
Generate parameters for CNMF from metadata.
Based on the pixel resolution and frame rate, the parameters are set to reasonable values.
- Parameters:
- metadatadict
Metadata dictionary resulting from lcp.get_metadata().
- Returns:
- dict
Dictionary of parameters for lbm_mc.
- lbm_caiman_python.read_scan(pathnames, dtype=<class 'numpy.int16'>, join_contiguous=False)[source]#
Reads a ScanImage scan.
- Parameters:
pathnames – String or list of strings. Pathname(s) or pathname pattern(s) to read.
dtype – Data-type. Data type of the output array.
join_contiguous – Boolean. For multiROI scans (2016b and beyond) it will join contiguous scanfields in the same depth. No effect in non-multiROI scans. See help of ScanMultiROI._join_contiguous_fields for details.
- Returns:
A Scan object (subclass of BaseScan) with metadata and data. See Readme for details.
- lbm_caiman_python.remove_batch_duplicates(df)[source]#
Remove duplicate items from a batch DataFrame.
- Parameters:
- dfpandas.DataFrame
The batch DataFrame to remove duplicates from.
- Returns:
- None
- lbm_caiman_python.return_scan_offset(image_in, nvals: int = 8)[source]#
Compute the scan offset correction between interleaved lines or columns in an image.
This function calculates the scan offset correction by analyzing the cross-correlation between interleaved lines or columns of the input image. The cross-correlation peak determines the amount of offset between the lines or columns, which is then used to correct for any misalignment in the imaging process.
- Parameters:
- image_inndarray | ndarray-like
Input image or volume. It can be 2D, 3D, or 4D.
- .. note::
Dimensions: [height, width], [time, height, width], or [time, plane, height, width]. The input array must be castable to numpy. e.g. np.shape, np.ravel.
- nvalsint
Number of pixel-wise shifts to include in the search for best correlation.
- Returns:
- int
The computed correction value, based on the peak of the cross-correlation.
This function assumes that the input image contains interleaved lines or columns that need to be analyzed for misalignment. The cross-correlation method is sensitive to the similarity in pattern between the interleaved lines or columns. Hence, a strong and clear peak in the cross-correlation result indicates a good alignment, and the corresponding lag value indicates the amount of misalignment.
>>> img = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]) >>> return_scan_offset(img, 1)
- lbm_caiman_python.save_as(scan, savedir: PathLike, planes=None, frames=None, metadata=None, overwrite=True, ext='.tiff')[source]#
Save scan data to the specified directory in the desired format.
- Parameters:
- scanscanreader.ScanMultiROI
An object representing scan data. Must have attributes such as num_channels, num_frames, fields, and rois, and support indexing for retrieving frame data.
- savediros.PathLike
Path to the directory where the data will be saved.
- planesint, list, or tuple, optional
Plane indices to save. If None, all planes are saved. Default is None.
- frameslist or tuple, optional
Frame indices to save. If None, all frames are saved. Default is None.
- metadatadict, optional
Additional metadata to update the scan object’s metadata. Default is None.
- overwritebool, optional
Whether to overwrite existing files. Default is True.
- extstr, optional
File extension for the saved data. Supported options are ‘.tiff’ and ‘.zarr’. Default is ‘.tiff’.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If an unsupported file extension is provided.
This function creates the specified directory if it does not already exist. Data is saved per channel, organized by planes.
- lbm_caiman_python.unvectorize(Y, shape: tuple[int, int], pixel_indices: ndarray = None, order='C')[source]#
Reshape an array: [n_pixels, time] -> [time, df, cols] or [n_pixels,] -> [df, cols]
- Parameters:
- Y: np.ndarray
vectorized movie, shape [n_pixels, time]
- shape: tuple[int, int]
shape of one frame, [n_rows, n_cols]
- pixel_indices: np.ndarray, default None
1D array of indices that map pixel indices in Y to real pixel indices in a “full Y” with all pixels
- order: str, default “C”
“C” or “F” order
- Returns:
- np.ndarray
movie of shape [time, df, cols] or a 2D image of shape [df, cols]
- lbm_caiman_python.vectorize(movie, pixel_indices: ndarray = None, order='C')[source]#
Reshape an array: [time, df, cols] -> [n_pixels, time]
- Parameters:
- movie: np.ndarray
movie of shape [time, df, cols]
- pixel_indices: np.ndarray, default None
pixel indices to include in the vectorized output. 1D array of int that represents indices of a fully vectorized movie
- order: str, default “C”
“C” or “F” order
- Returns:
- np.ndarray
vectorized movie, shape [n_pixels, time]