Source code for lbm_caiman_python.summary

import sys
import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Iterable

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

from .batch import load_batch
from .helpers import _compute_raw_mcorr_metrics, _compute_metrics
from .lcp_io import get_metrics_path


[docs] def get_all_batch_items(files: list, algo="all") -> pd.DataFrame: """ Load all cnmf items from a list of .pickle files. Parameters ---------- files : list List of .pickle files to load. algo : str, optional Algorithm to filter by. Default is "all". Options are "cnmf", "cnmfe", "mcorr" and "all". Returns ------- df : DataFrame DataFrame containing all items with the specified algorithm """ temp_row = [] for file in files: try: df = load_batch(file) df.paths.set_batch_path(file) df['batch_path'] = file except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading {file}: {e}", file=sys.stderr) continue for _, row in df.iterrows(): if (isinstance(row["outputs"], dict) and not row["outputs"].get("success") or row["outputs"] is None ): continue if algo == "all": temp_row.append(row) elif row["algo"] == algo: temp_row.append(row) return pd.DataFrame(temp_row)
[docs] def get_summary_batch(df) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create a summary of successful and unsuccessful runs for each algorithm. Parameters ---------- df Returns ------- """ if df.empty: raise ValueError("Input DataFrame is empty.") elif not hasattr(df, 'item_name'): raise ValueError("Input DataFrame does not have an 'item_name' column.") mcorr_df = df[df.algo == 'mcorr'] cnmf_df = df[df.algo.isin(['cnmf', 'cnmfe'])] succ_mcorr = _num_successful_from_df(mcorr_df) succ_cnmf = _num_successful_from_df(cnmf_df) unsucc_mcorr = len(mcorr_df) - succ_mcorr unsucc_cnmf = len(cnmf_df) - succ_cnmf return pd.DataFrame([ {'algo': 'mcorr', 'Runs': len(mcorr_df), 'Successful': succ_mcorr, 'Unsuccessful': unsucc_mcorr}, {'algo': 'cnmf', 'Runs': len(cnmf_df), 'Successful': succ_cnmf, 'Unsuccessful': unsucc_cnmf} ])
[docs] def get_summary_cnmf(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ """ # Safely add new columns with traces / params return _params_from_df(_num_traces_from_df(df))
def get_summary_mcorr(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: files = compute_mcorr_metrics_batch(df) return _create_df_from_metric_files(files)
[docs] def concat_param_diffs(input_df, param_diffs): """ Add parameter differences to the input DataFrame. Parameters ---------- input_df : DataFrame The input DataFrame containing a 'batch_index' column. param_diffs : DataFrame The DataFrame containing the parameter differences for each batch. Returns ------- input_df : DataFrame The input DataFrame with the parameter differences added. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import lbm_caiman_python as lcp >>> import lbm_mc as mc >>> batch_df = mc.load_batch('path/to/batch.pickle') >>> metrics_files = lcp.summary.compute_mcorr_metrics_batch(batch_df) >>> metrics_df = lcp.summary._create_df_from_metric_files(metrics_files) >>> param_diffs = batch_df.caiman.get_params_diffs("mcorr", item_name=batch_df.iloc[0]["item_name"]) >>> final_df = lcp.concat_param_diffs(metrics_df, param_diffs) >>> print(final_df.head()) """ # add an empty column for each param diff for col in param_diffs.columns: if col not in input_df.columns: input_df[col] = None for i, row in input_df.iterrows(): # raw data will not have an index in the dataframe if row['batch_index'] == -1: continue batch_index = int(row['batch_index']) if batch_index < len(param_diffs): param_diff = param_diffs.iloc[batch_index] for col in param_diffs.columns:[i, col] = param_diff[col] input_df = input_df[ ['mean_corr', 'mean_norm', 'crispness'] + list(param_diffs.columns) + ['batch_index', 'uuid', 'metric_path'] ] return input_df
def _create_df_from_metric_files(metrics_filepaths: Iterable[str | Path]) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create a DataFrame from a list of metrics files. Parameters ---------- metrics_filepaths : list of str or Path List of paths to the metrics files (.npz) containing 'correlations', 'norms', 'smoothness', 'flows', and the batch item UUID. Typically, use the output of `compute_batch_metrics` to get the list of metrics files. Returns ------- metrics_df : DataFrame A DataFrame containing the mean correlation, mean norm, crispness, UUID, batch index, and metric path. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import lbm_caiman_python as lcp >>> import lbm_mc as mc >>> batch_df = mc.load_batch('path/to/batch.pickle') >>> # overwrite=False will not recompute metrics if they already exist >>> metrics_files = lcp.summary.compute_mcorr_metrics_batch(batch_df, overwrite=False) >>> metrics_df = lcp._create_df_from_metric_files(metrics_files) >>> print(metrics_df.head()) """ metrics_list = [] for i, file in enumerate(metrics_filepaths): with np.load(file) as f: corr = f['correlations'] norms = f['norms'] crispness = f['smoothness_corr'] uuid = f['uuid'] batch_index = f['batch_id'] metrics_list.append({ 'mean_corr': np.mean(corr), 'mean_norm': np.mean(norms), 'crispness': float(crispness), 'uuid': str(uuid), 'batch_index': int(batch_index), 'metric_path': file }) return pd.DataFrame(metrics_list) def compute_mcorr_metrics_batch(batch_df: pd.DataFrame, overwrite: bool = False) -> Iterable[Path]: """ Compute and store various statistical registration metrics for each batch of image data. Attempts to compute metrics for raw data if: 1. The raw data file is found in the batch path. 2. The raw data file is found in the global parent directory set via `mc.set_parent_raw_data_path()`. Parameters ---------- batch_df : DataFrame, optional A DataFrame containing information about each batch of image data. Must be compatible with the mesmerize-core DataFrame API to call `get_params_diffs` and `get_output` on each row. overwrite : bool, optional If True, recompute and overwrite existing metric files. Default is False. Returns ------- metrics_paths : list of Path List of file paths where metrics are stored for each batch. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import lbm_caiman_python as lcp >>> import lbm_mc as mc >>> batch_df = mc.load_batch('path/to/batch.pickle') >>> metrics_paths = lcp.compute_mcorr_metrics_batch(batch_df) >>> print(metrics_paths) [Path('path/to/metrics1.npz'), Path('path/to/metrics2.npz'), ...] TODO: This can be made to run in parallel. """ metrics_paths = [] # raw_filename will be resolved if: # 1. It is located in the batch dir # 2. It is located in the global parent dir try: raw_filename = batch_df.iloc[0].caiman.get_input_movie_path() except AttributeError: print('Skipping raw data metrics computation.' 'Could not find raw data file.' 'Make sure to call mc.set_parent_raw_data_path(data_path) before calling this function.') raw_filename = None if raw_filename is not None: if not raw_filename.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Raw data file {raw_filename} not found.") raw_metrics_path = get_metrics_path(raw_filename) if raw_metrics_path.exists() and not overwrite: print(f"Raw metrics file {raw_metrics_path} already exists. Skipping. To overwrite, set `overwrite=True`.") else: if raw_metrics_path.exists(): print(f"Overwriting raw metrics file {raw_metrics_path}.") raw_metrics_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) start = time.time() raw_metrics_path = _compute_raw_mcorr_metrics(raw_filename, overwrite=overwrite) print(f'Computed metrics for raw data in {time.time() - start:.2f} seconds.') metrics_paths.append(raw_metrics_path) for i, row in batch_df.iterrows(): print(f'Processing batch index {i}...') if row.algo != 'mcorr': print(f"Skipping batch index {i} as algo is not 'mcorr'.") continue data = row.mcorr.get_output() final_size = data.shape[1:] # Pre-fetch metrics path metrics_path = get_metrics_path(row.mcorr.get_output_path()) # Check if metrics already exist and skip if not overwriting if metrics_path.exists() and not overwrite: print(f"Metrics file {metrics_path} already exists. Skipping. To overwrite, set `overwrite=True`.") metrics_paths.append(metrics_path) continue if metrics_path.exists() and overwrite: print(f"Overwriting metrics file {metrics_path}.") metrics_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) try: start = time.time() _ = _compute_metrics(row.mcorr.get_output_path(), row.uuid, i, final_size[0], final_size[1]) print(f'Computed metrics for batch index {i} in {time.time() - start:.2f} seconds.') metrics_paths.append(metrics_path) except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to compute metrics for batch index {i}. Error: {e}") return metrics_paths def _num_traces_from_df(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: # Safely add new columns with default values of None df = df[df["algo"].isin(["cnmf", "cnmfe"])] add_cols = ["Total Traces", "Accepted", "Rejected"] for col in add_cols: if col not in df.columns: df[col] = None for idx, row in df.iterrows(): batch_df = load_batch(row["batch_path"]) # Ensure access using correct key item = batch_df[batch_df.uuid == row["uuid"]].iloc[0] if row["algo"] in ("cnmf", "cnmfe"):[idx, "Total Traces"] = item.cnmf.get_temporal().shape[0][idx, "Accepted"] = len(item.cnmf.get_output().estimates.idx_components)[idx, "Rejected"] = len(item.cnmf.get_output().estimates.idx_components_bad) else:[idx, "Total Traces"] = None[idx, "Accepted"] = None[idx, "Rejected"] = None return df def _params_from_df(df: pd.DataFrame, params: tuple | list | None = None): if params is None: params = SUMMARY_PARAMS for col in params: if col not in df.columns: df[col] = None for idx, row in df.iterrows(): batch_df = load_batch(row.batch_path) item = batch_df[batch_df.uuid == row.uuid].iloc[0] for param in params: value = item.params['main'].get(param) # Handle iterable values if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):[idx, param] = str(value) # Store as a string else:[idx, param] = value return df def _num_successful_from_df(df: pd.DataFrame) -> int: return len(df[df.outputs.apply(lambda x: x.get("success"))])