LBM-CaImAn-Python Documentation#

For the MATLAB implementation of this pipeline, see here.

For current installation instructions and requirements, see the project README.

How to#

The recommended way to use this pipeline is by using the example notebooks while having the user guide accessible as well. The notebooks act as a walkthrough tutorial that you can change to fit your dataset as you go. Fully rendered versions of the notebooks are available in the tutorial section of this documentation.

Documentation Contents#

Pipeline Overview#

LBM-CaImAn-Pipeline uses mesmerize-core to interface with CaImAn algorithms for Calcium Imaging data processing.

There are 4 steps in this pipeline:

  1. Assembly

    • De-interleave planes

    • (optional) Scan-Phase Correction

  2. Motion Correction

    • Rigid/non-rigid Registration (single z-plane)

    • Evaluation metrics

    • (optional) Parameter grid-search

    • Register remaining z-planes

  3. Segmentation

    • CNMF (single z-plane)

    • (optional) Deconvolution / spike-extraction

    • Refine neuron selection

    • Segment / deconvolve remianing z-planes

  4. Collation

    • Collate images and metadata into a single volume

    • Lateral offset correction (between z-planes, COMING SOON)


Slurm utilities are available in the utilities repository.


git clone

Transfering data to the HPC

rsync -avPh /path/to/local/data<username>/data/ 

Transfering data to the your local machine

# you will need the ssh config for rbo in your .ssh/config file
rsync -avPh -e "ssh" ./path/to/data rbo:/path/to/destination


  • multifile_batch.sbatch - Submit a job to the HPC

  • tunnel.sbatch - Create a tunnel to the HPC


Login to the hpc on the rocky-9 login node:


Create a backup of your .bashrc file:

cp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.bak

Move the bashrc file in the utilities folder you cloned to replace the one you just backed up:

cp utilities/.bashrc ~/.bashrc

This file exports some environment variables that are necessary for the pipeline to run.

You will need your files in the mbo_data.

After submitting a job via multifile_batch.sbatch, you can monitor the job with squeue -u $USER and cancel it with scancel $JOB_ID.

The resulting batch files will be synced back to your local machine.

Transfering POSIX->Windows#

You can move your batch contents anywhere. However, if moving them to a different operating system, you may encounter the followng error:

NotImplementedError: cannot instantiate 'PosixPath' on your system

You can use lbm_caiman_python.load_batch_cross_platform to load this batch item.

Comparison with LBM-CaImAn-MATLAB#


Beyond the obviously different programming language (MATLAB -> Python), there are a few differences in how these pipelines were constructed.

The MATLAB implementation was essentially 4 functions spread across 4 .m files. These functions would be called from a user-made script (for example, demo_LBM_pipeline.m).


The primary pitfal of LBM-CaImAn-MATLAB are the memory constraints. Though MATLAB is extremely efficient with threaded internal functions, the lack of 3rd-party library support means reading and writing to well-established file-formats (i.e. .tiff, .hdf5) lacking modern features like lazy-loading data. As a result, the memory footprint required to process a N-GB dataset will be N-GB of memory.

This pipeline utilizes the well-tested and optimized tifffile to selectively load data only when it is needed. That is why processing a 35 GB file will only consume ~5 GB of memory.

Helpful Resources#