2. Batch Helpers#

A notebook to help manage batch results

# Imports

import os
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import lbm_caiman_python as lcp

import dask.array as da
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import zarr

import lbm_mc as mc
from lbm_mc.caiman_extensions.cnmf import cnmf_cache
from caiman.source_extraction.cnmf import cnmf, params

if os.name == "nt":
    # disable the cache on windows, this will be automatic in a future version

pd.options.display.max_colwidth = 120

# set up logging
debug = True

logger = logging.getLogger("caiman")
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
log_format = logging.Formatter("%(relativeCreated)12d [%(filename)s:%(funcName)10s():%(lineno)s] [%(process)d] %(message)s")

if debug:

2.1. Manage batch and dataframe filepath locations#

parent_path = Path().home() / "caiman_data"
data_path = parent_path / 'out'  # where the output files from the assembly step are located
batch_path = data_path / 'batch.pickle'


algo item_name input_movie_path params outputs added_time ran_time algo_duration comments uuid
0 mcorr mcorr plane_10.tiff {'main': {'dxy': (1.04, 1.0), 'fr': 9.60806, 'max_shifts': (2, 2), 'strides': (12, 12), 'overlaps': (6, 6), 'max_dev... {'mean-projection-path': d2323217-2056-4681-9656-2ddebc721ac4\d2323217-2056-4681-9656-2ddebc721ac4_mean_projection.n... 2024-12-06T12:49:01 2024-12-06T12:57:02 248.16 sec None d2323217-2056-4681-9656-2ddebc721ac4
1 mcorr plane_1.tiff plane_1.tiff {'main': {'dxy': (1.04, 1.0), 'fr': 9.60806, 'max_shifts': (2, 2), 'strides': (12, 12), 'overlaps': (6, 6), 'max_dev... {'mean-projection-path': 61304ca6-5926-40ee-a769-77cc7baef155\61304ca6-5926-40ee-a769-77cc7baef155_mean_projection.n... 2024-12-06T14:59:55 2024-12-06T15:04:08 246.5 sec None 61304ca6-5926-40ee-a769-77cc7baef155
2 mcorr plane_11.tiff plane_11.tiff {'main': {'dxy': (1.04, 1.0), 'fr': 9.60806, 'max_shifts': (2, 2), 'strides': (12, 12), 'overlaps': (6, 6), 'max_dev... {'mean-projection-path': f8e52582-bdbc-40cd-aeee-b21742053d3e\f8e52582-bdbc-40cd-aeee-b21742053d3e_mean_projection.n... 2024-12-06T14:59:55 2024-12-06T15:08:19 250.41 sec None f8e52582-bdbc-40cd-aeee-b21742053d3e
3 mcorr plane_12.tiff plane_12.tiff {'main': {'dxy': (1.04, 1.0), 'fr': 9.60806, 'max_shifts': (2, 2), 'strides': (12, 12), 'overlaps': (6, 6), 'max_dev... {'mean-projection-path': 4879bb5f-b35f-4f83-83f3-5fe74515bcae\4879bb5f-b35f-4f83-83f3-5fe74515bcae_mean_projection.n... 2024-12-06T14:59:55 2024-12-06T15:12:31 252.04 sec None 4879bb5f-b35f-4f83-83f3-5fe74515bcae
4 mcorr plane_13.tiff plane_13.tiff {'main': {'dxy': (1.04, 1.0), 'fr': 9.60806, 'max_shifts': (2, 2), 'strides': (12, 12), 'overlaps': (6, 6), 'max_dev... {'mean-projection-path': d7a820f6-3838-4faf-9e1d-25a5caa9345d\d7a820f6-3838-4faf-9e1d-25a5caa9345d_mean_projection.n... 2024-12-06T14:59:55 2024-12-06T15:16:44 252.66 sec None d7a820f6-3838-4faf-9e1d-25a5caa9345d
The Kernel crashed while executing code in the current cell or a previous cell. 

Please review the code in the cell(s) to identify a possible cause of the failure. 

Click <a href='https://aka.ms/vscodeJupyterKernelCrash'>here</a> for more info. 

View Jupyter <a href='command:jupyter.viewOutput'>log</a> for further details.

2.2. Remove rows with no output (accidental entries)#

for i, row in df.iterrows():
    if row['outputs'] is None:

df = df.caiman.reload_from_disk()
algo item_name input_movie_path params outputs added_time ran_time algo_duration comments uuid
0 mcorr mcorr plane_10.tiff {'main': {'dxy': (1.04, 1.0), 'fr': 9.60806, 'max_shifts': (32, 32), 'strides': (64, 64), 'overlaps': (32, 32), 'max... {'mean-projection-path': 2bfd5a28-202a-426d-b74b-02105ea885a5\2bfd5a28-202a-426d-b74b-02105ea885a5_mean_projection.n... 2024-12-06T10:59:47 2024-12-06T11:01:36 105.4 sec None 2bfd5a28-202a-426d-b74b-02105ea885a5

2.3. Selectively remove rows by index#

Create a list of indices to remove. You can do this manually

Some useful ways to create a list:

# 0, 1 .... 30
good_rows = np.arange(0, 31) # includes 0, does not include 31

# np.concatenate is usefull to skip rows
good_rows = np.concatenate(([0, 1], np.arange(10, 30))) # 0, 1, 10 ... 29
good_rows = [0, 1, 2]
rows_keep = [df.iloc[n].uuid for n in good_rows]
for i, row in df.iterrows():
    if row.uuid not in rows_keep:

df = df.caiman.reload_from_disk()

2.4. Add a comment#

comment_row = 0

## Add comments to dataframe
df.iloc[comment_row].comments = "Motion correction round 1!"
algo item_name input_movie_path params outputs added_time ran_time algo_duration comments uuid
0 mcorr extracted_plane_1 tiff\extracted_plane_1.tif {'main': {'var_name_hdf5': 'mov', 'max_shifts': (10, 10), 'strides': (48, 48), 'overlaps': (24, 24), 'max_deviation_... {'mean-projection-path': b32f41bf-a9a5-4965-be7c-e6779e854328\b32f41bf-a9a5-4965-be7c-e6779e854328_mean_projection.n... 2024-09-26T11:56:54 2024-09-26T12:02:55 77.3 sec Motion correction round 1! b32f41bf-a9a5-4965-be7c-e6779e854328
1 cnmf cnmf_1 b32f41bf-a9a5-4965-be7c-e6779e854328\b32f41bf-a9a5-4965-be7c-e6779e854328-extracted_plane_1_els__d1_583_d2_536_d3_1_... {'main': {'fr': 9.62, 'dxy': (1.0, 1.0), 'decay_time': 0.4, 'strides': (48, 48), 'overlaps': (24, 24), 'max_shifts':... {'mean-projection-path': a057e39e-a2df-41d3-8217-83c9cd7ffb6d\a057e39e-a2df-41d3-8217-83c9cd7ffb6d_mean_projection.n... 2024-09-26T16:26:20 2024-09-26T16:28:48 143.18 sec None a057e39e-a2df-41d3-8217-83c9cd7ffb6d
2 cnmf extracted_plane_1 b32f41bf-a9a5-4965-be7c-e6779e854328\b32f41bf-a9a5-4965-be7c-e6779e854328-extracted_plane_1_els__d1_583_d2_536_d3_1_... {'main': {'fr': 9.62, 'dxy': (1.0, 1.0), 'decay_time': 0.4, 'strides': (48, 48), 'overlaps': (24, 24), 'max_shifts':... {'mean-projection-path': 5cb543ec-5358-4b35-83cf-bfd19fa06a68\5cb543ec-5358-4b35-83cf-bfd19fa06a68_mean_projection.n... 2024-09-27T14:48:59 2024-09-27T14:50:30 80.14 sec None 5cb543ec-5358-4b35-83cf-bfd19fa06a68
3 cnmf extracted_plane_1 b32f41bf-a9a5-4965-be7c-e6779e854328\b32f41bf-a9a5-4965-be7c-e6779e854328-extracted_plane_1_els__d1_583_d2_536_d3_1_... {'main': {'fr': 9.62, 'dxy': (1.0, 1.0), 'decay_time': 0.4, 'strides': (48, 48), 'overlaps': (24, 24), 'max_shifts':... {'mean-projection-path': df52a609-d986-4bc0-a0a2-526cbfda057d\df52a609-d986-4bc0-a0a2-526cbfda057d_mean_projection.n... 2024-09-27T14:48:59 2024-09-27T14:51:46 75.93 sec None df52a609-d986-4bc0-a0a2-526cbfda057d
4 cnmf extracted_plane_1 b32f41bf-a9a5-4965-be7c-e6779e854328\b32f41bf-a9a5-4965-be7c-e6779e854328-extracted_plane_1_els__d1_583_d2_536_d3_1_... {'main': {'fr': 9.62, 'dxy': (1.0, 1.0), 'decay_time': 0.4, 'strides': (48, 48), 'overlaps': (24, 24), 'max_shifts':... {'mean-projection-path': b68a8efe-1a3b-4392-b6e7-416312f1f945\b68a8efe-1a3b-4392-b6e7-416312f1f945_mean_projection.n... 2024-09-27T14:48:59 2024-09-30T10:30:15 96.62 sec None b68a8efe-1a3b-4392-b6e7-416312f1f945
5 cnmf extracted_plane_1 b32f41bf-a9a5-4965-be7c-e6779e854328\b32f41bf-a9a5-4965-be7c-e6779e854328-extracted_plane_1_els__d1_583_d2_536_d3_1_... {'main': {'fr': 9.62, 'dxy': (1.0, 1.0), 'decay_time': 0.4, 'strides': (48, 48), 'overlaps': (24, 24), 'max_shifts':... {'mean-projection-path': 15e6fb81-fac4-457b-96da-dbb8e2d7b669\15e6fb81-fac4-457b-96da-dbb8e2d7b669_mean_projection.n... 2024-09-27T14:48:59 2024-09-30T10:20:28 109.54 sec None 15e6fb81-fac4-457b-96da-dbb8e2d7b669

2.5. Change the item_name#

comment_row = 0

## Add comments to dataframe
df.iloc[comment_row].item_name = "Motion correction round 1!"

2.6. Change/correct input_movie_path#

  • for example, add .zarr ext to directory for caiman compatibility

## Correct filenames
for idx, row in df.iterrows():
    row.input_movie_path = Path(row.input_movie_path).with_suffix('.zarr')

2.7. Convert intermediate .mmmap to .zarr#

TODO: Move these to a separate ‘helpers’ notebook as they aren’t related specifically to batch management

res_path = movie_path.parent / 'registered'
store = zarr.open_like(mcorr_movie, path=res_path, mode='a',)  # read/write, create if it doesnt exist
store[:] = mcorr_movie
plt.imshow(store[1, :,:])
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7efe141db850>