Source code for lbm_caiman_python.assembly

import argparse
import functools
import os
import time
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from scanreader import read_scan
from scanreader.utils import listify_index
from lbm_caiman_python.lcp_io import get_metadata, make_json_serializable

import tifffile
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ARRAY_METADATA = ["dtype", "shape", "nbytes", "size"]

CHUNKS = {0: 'auto', 1: -1, 2: -1}

    "acronym": "VIS",  # shortened name of the region
    "id": 3,  # region id
    "name": "visual cortex",  # full region name
    "structure_id_path": [1, 2, 3],  # path to the structure in the structures hierarchy, up to current id
    "rgb_triplet": [255, 255, 255],
    # default color for visualizing the region, feel free to leave white or randomize it

# suppress warnings

print = functools.partial(print, flush=True)

def process_slice_str(slice_str):
    if not isinstance(slice_str, str):
        raise ValueError(f"Expected a string argument, received: {slice_str}")
    if slice_str.isdigit():
        return int(slice_str)
        parts = slice_str.split(":")
    return slice(*[int(p) if p else None for p in parts])

def process_slice_objects(slice_str):
    return tuple(map(process_slice_str, slice_str.split(",")))

def print_params(params, indent=5):
    for k, v in params.items():
        # if value is a dictionary, recursively call the function
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            print(" " * indent + f"{k}:")
            print_params(v, indent + 4)
            print(" " * indent + f"{k}: {v}")

[docs] def return_scan_offset(image_in, nvals: int = 8): """ Compute the scan offset correction between interleaved lines or columns in an image. This function calculates the scan offset correction by analyzing the cross-correlation between interleaved lines or columns of the input image. The cross-correlation peak determines the amount of offset between the lines or columns, which is then used to correct for any misalignment in the imaging process. Parameters ---------- image_in : ndarray | ndarray-like Input image or volume. It can be 2D, 3D, or 4D. .. note:: Dimensions: [height, width], [time, height, width], or [time, plane, height, width]. The input array must be castable to numpy. e.g. np.shape, np.ravel. nvals : int Number of pixel-wise shifts to include in the search for best correlation. Returns ------- int The computed correction value, based on the peak of the cross-correlation. Examples -------- >>> img = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]) >>> return_scan_offset(img, 1) Notes ----- This function assumes that the input image contains interleaved lines or columns that need to be analyzed for misalignment. The cross-correlation method is sensitive to the similarity in pattern between the interleaved lines or columns. Hence, a strong and clear peak in the cross-correlation result indicates a good alignment, and the corresponding lag value indicates the amount of misalignment. """ from scipy import signal image_in = image_in.squeeze() if len(image_in.shape) == 3: image_in = np.mean(image_in, axis=0) elif len(image_in.shape) == 4: image_in = np.mean(np.mean(image_in, axis=0), axis=0) n = nvals in_pre = image_in[::2, :] in_post = image_in[1::2, :] min_len = min(in_pre.shape[0], in_post.shape[0]) in_pre = in_pre[:min_len, :] in_post = in_post[:min_len, :] buffers = np.zeros((in_pre.shape[0], n)) in_pre = np.hstack((buffers, in_pre, buffers)) in_post = np.hstack((buffers, in_post, buffers)) in_pre = in_pre.T.ravel(order="F") in_post = in_post.T.ravel(order="F") # Zero-center and clip negative values to zero # Iv1 = Iv1 - np.mean(Iv1) in_pre[in_pre < 0] = 0 in_post = in_post - np.mean(in_post) in_post[in_post < 0] = 0 in_pre = in_pre[:, np.newaxis] in_post = in_post[:, np.newaxis] r_full = signal.correlate(in_pre[:, 0], in_post[:, 0], mode="full", method="auto") unbiased_scale = len(in_pre) - np.abs(np.arange(-len(in_pre) + 1, len(in_pre))) r = r_full / unbiased_scale mid_point = len(r) // 2 lower_bound = mid_point - n upper_bound = mid_point + n + 1 r = r[lower_bound:upper_bound] lags = np.arange(-n, n + 1) # Step 3: Find the correction value correction_index = np.argmax(r) return lags[correction_index]
[docs] def fix_scan_phase( data_in: np.ndarray, offset: int, ): """ Corrects the scan phase of the data based on a given offset along a specified dimension. Parameters: ----------- dataIn : ndarray The input data of shape (sy, sx, sc, sz). offset : int The amount of offset to correct for. Returns: -------- ndarray The data with corrected scan phase, of shape (sy, sx, sc, sz). """ dims = data_in.shape ndim = len(dims) if ndim == 2: sy, sx = data_in.shape data_out = np.zeros_like(data_in) if offset > 0: # Shift even df left and odd df right by 'offset' data_out[0::2, :sx - offset] = data_in[0::2, offset:] data_out[1::2, offset:] = data_in[1::2, :sx - offset] elif offset < 0: offset = abs(offset) # Shift even df right and odd df left by 'offset' data_out[0::2, offset:] = data_in[0::2, :sx - offset] data_out[1::2, :sx - offset] = data_in[1::2, offset:] else: print("Phase = 0, no correction applied.") return data_in return data_out if ndim == 4: st, sc, sy, sx = data_in.shape if offset != 0: data_out = np.zeros((st, sc, sy, sx + abs(offset))) else: print("Phase = 0, no correction applied.") return data_in if offset > 0: data_out[:, :, 0::2, :sx] = data_in[:, :, 0::2, :] data_out[:, :, 1::2, offset: offset + sx] = data_in[:, :, 1::2, :] data_out = data_out[:, :, :, : sx + offset] elif offset < 0: offset = abs(offset) data_out[:, :, 0::2, offset: offset + sx] = data_in[:, :, 0::2, :] data_out[:, :, 1::2, :sx] = data_in[:, :, 1::2, :] data_out = data_out[:, :, :, offset:] return data_out if ndim == 3: st, sy, sx = data_in.shape if offset != 0: # Create output array with appropriate shape adjustment data_out = np.zeros((st, sy, sx + abs(offset))) else: print("Phase = 0, no correction applied.") return data_in if offset > 0: # For positive offset data_out[:, 0::2, :sx] = data_in[:, 0::2, :] data_out[:, 1::2, offset: offset + sx] = data_in[:, 1::2, :] # Trim output by excluding columns that contain only zeros data_out = data_out[:, :, : sx + offset] elif offset < 0: # For negative offset offset = abs(offset) data_out[:, 0::2, offset: offset + sx] = data_in[:, 0::2, :] data_out[:, 1::2, :sx] = data_in[:, 1::2, :] # Trim output by excluding the first 'offset' columns data_out = data_out[:, :, offset:] return data_out raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def save_as( scan, savedir: os.PathLike, planes=None, frames=None, metadata=None, overwrite=True, ext='.tiff', ): """ Save scan data to the specified directory in the desired format. Parameters ---------- scan : scanreader.ScanMultiROI An object representing scan data. Must have attributes such as `num_channels`, `num_frames`, `fields`, and `rois`, and support indexing for retrieving frame data. savedir : os.PathLike Path to the directory where the data will be saved. planes : int, list, or tuple, optional Plane indices to save. If `None`, all planes are saved. Default is `None`. frames : list or tuple, optional Frame indices to save. If `None`, all frames are saved. Default is `None`. metadata : dict, optional Additional metadata to update the scan object's metadata. Default is `None`. overwrite : bool, optional Whether to overwrite existing files. Default is `True`. ext : str, optional File extension for the saved data. Supported options are `'.tiff'` and `'.zarr'`. Default is `'.tiff'`. Raises ------ ValueError If an unsupported file extension is provided. Notes ----- This function creates the specified directory if it does not already exist. Data is saved per channel, organized by planes. """ savedir = Path(savedir) if planes is None: planes = list(range(scan.num_channels)) elif not isinstance(planes, (list, tuple)): planes = [planes] if frames is None: frames = list(range(scan.num_frames)) elif not isinstance(planes, (list, tuple)): frames = [frames] if not metadata: metadata = {'si': scan.tiff_files[0].scanimage_metadata, 'image': make_json_serializable(get_metadata(scan.tiff_files[0].filehandle.path))} if not savedir.exists(): logger.debug(f"Creating directory: {savedir}") savedir.mkdir(parents=True) _save_data(scan, savedir, planes, frames, overwrite, ext, metadata)
def _save_data(scan, path, planes, frames, overwrite, file_extension, metadata): path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) print(f'Planes: {planes}') file_writer = _get_file_writer(file_extension, overwrite, metadata) if len(scan.fields) > 1: for idx, field in enumerate(scan.fields): for chan in planes: if 'tif' in file_extension: arr = scan[idx, :, :, chan, frames] # [y,x,T] logger.debug('arr shape:', arr.shape) file_writer(path, f'plane_{chan + 1}_roi_{idx + 1}', arr.T) else: for chan in planes: if 'tif' in file_extension: arr = scan[:, :, :, chan, frames] # [y,x,T] logger.debug('arr shape:', arr.shape) file_writer(path, f'plane_{chan + 1}', arr.T) def _get_file_writer(ext, overwrite, metadata=None): if ext in ['.tif', '.tiff']: return functools.partial(_write_tiff, overwrite=overwrite, metadata=metadata) elif ext == '.zarr': return functools.partial(_write_zarr, overwrite=overwrite, metadata=metadata) else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported file extension: {ext}') def _write_tiff(path, name, data, overwrite=True, metadata=None): filename = Path(path / f'{name}.tiff') if filename.exists() and not overwrite: logger.warning( f'File already exists: {filename}. To overwrite, set overwrite=True (--overwrite in command line)') return"Writing {filename}") t_write = time.time() data = np.transpose(data.squeeze(), (0, 2, 1)) tifffile.imwrite(filename, data, metadata=metadata) t_write_end = time.time() - t_write"Data written in {t_write_end:.2f} seconds.") def _write_zarr(path, name, data, metadata=None, overwrite=True): store = zarr.DirectoryStore(path) root =, overwrite=overwrite) ds = root.create_dataset(name=name, data=data.squeeze(), overwrite=True) if metadata: ds.attrs['metadata'] = metadata def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="CLI for processing ScanImage tiff files.") parser.add_argument("path", type=str, nargs='?', # Change this to make 'path' optional default=None, help="Path to the file or directory to process.") parser.add_argument("--frames", type=str, default=":", # all frames help="Frames to read (0 based). Use slice notation like NumPy arrays (" "e.g., :50 gives frames 0 to 50, 5:15:2 gives frames 5 to 15 in steps of 2)." ) parser.add_argument("--planes", type=str, default=":", # all planes help="Planes to read (0 based). Use slice notation like NumPy arrays (e.g., 1:5 gives planes " "2 to 6") parser.add_argument("--trimx", type=int, nargs=2, default=(0, 0), help="Number of x-pixels to trim from each ROI. Tuple or list (e.g., 4 4 for left and right " "edges).") parser.add_argument("--trimy", type=int, nargs=2, default=(0, 0), help="Number of y-pixels to trim from each ROI. Tuple or list (e.g., 4 4 for top and bottom " "edges).") # Boolean Flags parser.add_argument("--metadata", action="store_true", help="Print a dictionary of scanimage metadata for files at the given path.") parser.add_argument("--roi", action='store_true', help="Save each ROI in its own folder, organized like 'zarr/roi_1/plane_1/, without this " "arguemnet it would save like 'zarr/plane_1/roi_1'." ) parser.add_argument("--save", type=str, nargs='?', help="Path to save data to. If not provided, the path will be " "printed.") parser.add_argument("--overwrite", action='store_true', help="Overwrite existing files if saving data..") parser.add_argument("--tiff", action='store_false', help="Flag to save as .tiff. Default is True") parser.add_argument("--zarr", action='store_true', help="Flag to save as .zarr. Default is False") parser.add_argument("--assemble", action='store_true', help="Flag to assemble the each ROI into a single image.") parser.add_argument("--debug", action='store_true', help="Output verbose debug information.") parser.add_argument("--delete_first_frame", action='store_false', help="Flag to delete the first frame of the " "scan when saving.") # Commands args = parser.parse_args() # If no arguments are provided, print help and exit if len(vars(args)) == 0 or not args.path: parser.print_help() return if args.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.debug("Debug mode enabled.") path = Path(args.path).expanduser() if path.is_dir(): files = [str(x) for x in Path(args.path).expanduser().glob('*.tif*')] elif path.is_file(): files = [str(path)] else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"File or directory not found: {args.path}") if len(files) < 1: raise ValueError( f"Input path given is a non-tiff file: {args.path}.\n" f"scanreader is currently limited to scanimage .tiff files." ) else: print(f'Found {len(files)} file(s) in {args.path}') if args.metadata: t_metadata = time.time() metadata = get_metadata(files[0]) t_metadata_end = time.time() - t_metadata print(f"Metadata read in {t_metadata_end:.2f} seconds.") print(f"Metadata for {files[0]}:") # filter out the verbose scanimage frame/roi metadata print_params({k: v for k, v in metadata.items() if k not in ['si', 'roi_info']}) if args.assemble: join_contiguous = True else: join_contiguous = False if savepath = Path("Saving data to {savepath}.") t_scan_init = time.time() scan = read_scan(files, join_contiguous=join_contiguous, ) t_scan_init_end = time.time() - t_scan_init"--- Scan initialized in {t_scan_init_end:.2f} seconds.") frames = listify_index(process_slice_str(args.frames), scan.num_frames) zplanes = listify_index(process_slice_str(args.planes), scan.num_channels) if args.delete_first_frame: frames = frames[1:] logger.debug(f"Deleting first frame. New frames: {frames}") logger.debug(f"Frames: {len(frames)}") logger.debug(f"Z-Planes: {len(zplanes)}") if args.zarr: ext = '.zarr' logger.debug("Saving as .zarr.") elif args.tiff: ext = '.tiff' logger.debug("Saving as .tiff.") else: raise NotImplementedError("Only .zarr and .tif are supported file formats.") t_save = time.time() save_as( scan, savepath, frames=frames, planes=zplanes, overwrite=args.overwrite, ext=ext, ) t_save_end = time.time() - t_save"--- Processing complete in {t_save_end:.2f} seconds. --") return scan else: print(args.path) if __name__ == '__main__': main()