Source code for lbm_caiman_python.util.transform

import warnings
import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs] def vectorize(movie, pixel_indices: np.ndarray = None, order="C"): """ Reshape an array: [time, df, cols] -> [n_pixels, time] Parameters ---------- movie: np.ndarray movie of shape [time, df, cols] pixel_indices: np.ndarray, default None pixel indices to include in the vectorized output. 1D array of int that represents indices of a fully vectorized movie order: str, default "C" "C" or "F" order Returns ------- np.ndarray vectorized movie, shape [n_pixels, time] """ Y = movie.transpose(1, 2, 0).reshape([1:]), movie.shape[0], order=order) if pixel_indices is not None: return Y[pixel_indices] return Y
[docs] def unvectorize(Y, shape: tuple[int, int], pixel_indices: np.ndarray = None, order="C"): """ Reshape an array: [n_pixels, time] -> [time, df, cols] or [n_pixels,] -> [df, cols] Parameters ---------- Y: np.ndarray vectorized movie, shape [n_pixels, time] shape: tuple[int, int] shape of one frame, [n_rows, n_cols] pixel_indices: np.ndarray, default None 1D array of indices that map pixel indices in Y to real pixel indices in a "full Y" with all pixels order: str, default "C" "C" or "F" order Returns ------- np.ndarray movie of shape [time, df, cols] or a 2D image of shape [df, cols] """ if pixel_indices is not None and Y.shape[0] < if Y.ndim == 1: Y_full_shape = (,) else: Y_full_shape = (, Y.shape[1]) Y_full = np.zeros(Y_full_shape, dtype=Y.dtype) Y_full[:] = np.nan Y_full[pixel_indices] = Y[:] Y = Y_full if Y.ndim == 1: # return 2D image return Y.reshape(shape, order=order) # return movie return Y.reshape(*shape, Y.shape[1], order=order).transpose(-1, 0, 1)
class Vectorizer(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): """ Vectorize movies Parameters ---------- order: str, array order "C" or "F" """ def __init__(self, pixel_indices: np.ndarray = None, order: str = "C"): self.pixel_indices = None self.order = order def fit(self, movie, y=None): """ Does nothing, exists for API conformity """ return self def transform(self, movie: np.ndarray): """ Vectorize the movie. Does nothing if the movie is already vectorized. Parameters ---------- movie : array-like, shape [time, df, cols] input movie Returns ------- np.ndarray vectorized movie, shape [n_pixels, time] """ if movie.ndim == 2: return movie return vectorize(movie, pixel_indices=self.pixel_indices, order=self.order) def _more_tags(self): # This is a quick example to show the tags API:\ # # Here, our transformer does not do any operation in `fit` and only validate # the parameters. Thus, it is stateless. return {"stateless": True} class UnVectorizer(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): """ Unvectorize movies Parameters ---------- shape: tuple, [n_rows, n_cols] shape of a 2D frame of the movie order: str, array order "C" or "F" """ def __init__(self, shape: tuple, pixel_indices: np.ndarray = None, order: str = "C"): if len(shape) != 2: raise ValueError self.shape = shape self.pixel_indices = pixel_indices self.order = order def fit(self, movie, y=None): """ Does nothing, exists for API conformity """ return self def transform(self, Y: np.ndarray): """ Unvectorize the movie. Does nothing if the movie is already unvectorized. Parameters ---------- Y: array-like, shape [n_pixels, time] input movie Returns ------- np.ndarray unvectorized movie, shape [time, df, cols] """ if Y.ndim == 3: return Y return unvectorize(Y, shape=self.shape, pixel_indices=self.pixel_indices, order=self.order) def _more_tags(self): # This is a quick example to show the tags API:\ # # Here, our transformer does not do any operation in `fit` and only validate # the parameters. Thus, it is stateless. return {"stateless": True}
[docs] def calculate_centers(A, dims): def calculate_center_component(i): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) ixs = np.where(A[:, i].toarray() > 0.07)[0] if ixs.size == 0: return np.array([np.nan, np.nan]) # Handle empty slice explicitly return np.array(np.unravel_index(ixs, dims)).mean(axis=1)[::-1] print("Computing centers in parallel...") centers = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)( delayed(calculate_center_component)(i) for i in tqdm(range(A.shape[1]), desc="Calculating neuron center coordinates") ) return np.array(centers)