import scipy
from scipy import signal
from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
import cv2
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import correlate
import sys
def _mean_psd(y, method="logmexp"):
Averaging the PSD
y: np.ndarray
PSD values
method: string
method of averaging the noise.
'mean': Mean
'median': Median
'logmexp': Exponential of the mean of the logarithm of PSD (default)
mp: array
mean psd
if method == "mean":
mp = np.sqrt(np.mean(y / 2, axis=-1))
elif method == "median":
mp = np.sqrt(np.median(y / 2, axis=-1))
mp = np.log((y + 1e-10) / 2)
mp = np.mean(mp, axis=-1)
mp = np.exp(mp)
mp = np.sqrt(mp)
return mp
def get_noise_fft(
Y, noise_range=None, noise_method="logmexp", max_num_samples_fft=3072
Compute the noise level in the Fourier domain for a given signal.
Y : ndarray
Input data array. The last dimension is treated as time.
noise_range : list of float, optional
Frequency range to estimate noise, by default [0.25, 0.5].
noise_method : str, optional
Method to compute the mean noise power spectral density (PSD), by default "logmexp".
max_num_samples_fft : int, optional
Maximum number of samples to use for FFT computation, by default 3072.
- sn : float or ndarray
Estimated noise level.
- psdx : ndarray
Power spectral density of the input data.
if noise_range is None:
noise_range = [0.25, 0.5]
T = Y.shape[-1]
# Y=np.array(Y,dtype=np.float64)
if T > max_num_samples_fft:
Y = np.concatenate(
Y[..., 1: max_num_samples_fft // 3 + 1],
int(T // 2 - max_num_samples_fft / 3 / 2): int(
T // 2 + max_num_samples_fft / 3 / 2
Y[..., -max_num_samples_fft // 3:],
T = np.shape(Y)[-1]
# we create a map of what is the noise on the FFT space
ff = np.arange(0, 0.5 + 1.0 / T, 1.0 / T)
ind1 = ff > noise_range[0]
ind2 = ff <= noise_range[1]
ind = np.logical_and(ind1, ind2)
# we compute the mean of the noise spectral density s
if Y.ndim > 1:
xdft = np.fft.rfft(Y, axis=-1)
xdft = xdft[..., ind[: xdft.shape[-1]]]
psdx = 1.0 / T * abs(xdft) ** 2
psdx *= 2
sn = _mean_psd(psdx, method=noise_method)
xdft = np.fliplr(np.fft.rfft(Y))
psdx = 1.0 / T * (xdft ** 2)
psdx[1:] *= 2
sn = _mean_psd(psdx[ind[: psdx.shape[0]]], method=noise_method)
return sn, psdx
def _imblur(Y, sig=5, siz=11, nDimBlur=None, kernel=None, opencv=True):
Spatial filtering with a Gaussian or user defined kernel
The parameters are specified in GreedyROI
Y: np.ndarray
d1 x d2 [x d3] x T movie, raw data.
sig: [optional] list,tuple
half size of neurons
siz: [optional] list,tuple
size of filter kernel (default 2*sig + 1).
nDimBlur: [optional]
if you want to specify the number of dimension
kernel: [optional]
if you want to specify a kernel
opencv: [optional]
if you want to process to the blur using OpenCV method
the blurred image
# TODO: document (jerem)
if kernel is None:
if nDimBlur is None:
nDimBlur = Y.ndim - 1
nDimBlur = np.min((Y.ndim, nDimBlur))
if np.isscalar(sig):
sig = sig * np.ones(nDimBlur)
if np.isscalar(siz):
siz = siz * np.ones(nDimBlur)
X = Y.copy()
if opencv and nDimBlur == 2:
if X.ndim > 2:
# if we are on a video we repeat for each frame
for frame in range(X.shape[-1]):
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
X[:, :, frame] = cv2.GaussianBlur(X[:, :, frame], tuple(
siz), sig[0], None, sig[1], cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT)
X[:, :, frame] = cv2.GaussianBlur(X[:, :, frame], tuple(siz), sig[
0], sig[1], cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, 0)
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
X = cv2.GaussianBlur(
X, tuple(siz), sig[0], None, sig[1], cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT)
X = cv2.GaussianBlur(
X, tuple(siz), sig[0], sig[1], cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, 0)
for i in range(nDimBlur):
h = np.exp(-np.arange(-np.floor(siz[i] / 2),
np.floor(siz[i] / 2) + 1) ** 2 / (2 * sig[i] ** 2))
h /= np.sqrt(
shape = [1] * len(Y.shape)
shape[i] = -1
X = correlate(X, h.reshape(shape), mode='constant')
X = correlate(Y, kernel[..., np.newaxis], mode='constant')
# for t in range(np.shape(Y)[-1]):
# X[:,:,t] = correlate(Y[:,:,t],kernel,mode='constant', cval=0.0)
return X
def finetune(Y, cin, nIter=5):
"""compute a initialized version of A and C
Y: D1*d2*T*K patches
c: array T*K
the initial calcium traces
nIter: int
True indicates that time is listed in the last axis of Y (matlab format)
and moves it in the front
a: array (d1,D2) the computed A as l2(Y*C)/Y*C
c: array(T) C as the sum of As on x*y axis
debug_ = False
if debug_:
import os
f = open('_LOG_1_' + str(os.getpid()), 'w+')
f.write('Y:' + str(np.mean(Y)) + '\n')
f.write('cin:' + str(np.mean(cin)) + '\n')
# we compute the multiplication of patches per traces ( non negatively )
for _ in range(nIter):
a = np.maximum(, cin), 0)
a = a / np.sqrt(np.sum(a**2) + np.finfo(np.float32).eps) # compute the l2/a
# c as the variation of those patches
cin = np.sum(Y * a[..., np.newaxis], tuple(np.arange(Y.ndim - 1)))
return a, cin
def greedyROI(Y, nr=30, gSig=[5, 5], gSiz=[11, 11], nIter=5, kernel=None, nb=1,
rolling_sum=False, rolling_length=100, seed_method='auto'):
Greedy initialization of spatial and temporal components using spatial Gaussian filtering
Y: np.array
3d or 4d array of fluorescence data with time appearing in the last axis.
nr: int
number of components to be found
gSig: scalar or list of integers
standard deviation of Gaussian kernel along each axis
gSiz: scalar or list of integers
size of spatial component
nIter: int
number of iterations when refining estimates
kernel: np.ndarray
User specified kernel to be used, if present, instead of Gaussian (default None)
nb: int
Number of background components
rolling_max: boolean
Detect new components based on a rolling sum of pixel activity (default: True)
rolling_length: int
Length of rolling window (default: 100)
seed_method: str {'auto', 'manual', 'semi'}
methods for choosing seed pixels
'semi' detects nr components automatically and allows to add more manually
if running as notebook 'semi' and 'manual' require a backend that does not
inline figures, e.g. %matplotlib tk
A: np.array
2d array of size (# of pixels) x nr with the spatial components. Each column is
ordered columnwise (matlab format, order='F')
C: np.array
2d array of size nr X T with the temporal components
center: np.array
2d array of size nr x 2 [ or 3] with the components centroids
Eftychios A. Pnevmatikakis and Andrea Giovannucci based on a matlab implementation by Yuanjun Gao
Simons Foundation, 2015
See Also:
d = np.shape(Y)
Y[np.isnan(Y)] = 0
med = np.median(Y, axis=-1)
Y = Y - med[..., np.newaxis]
gHalf = np.array(gSiz) // 2
gSiz = 2 * gHalf + 1
# we initialize every values to zero
if seed_method.lower() == 'manual':
nr = 0
A = np.zeros(([0:-1]), nr), dtype=np.float32)
C = np.zeros((nr, d[-1]), dtype=np.float32)
center = np.zeros((nr, Y.ndim - 1), dtype='uint16')
rho = _imblur(Y, sig=gSig, siz=gSiz, nDimBlur=Y.ndim - 1, kernel=kernel)
if rolling_sum:
rolling_filter = np.ones(
(rolling_length), dtype=np.float32) / rolling_length
rho_s = scipy.signal.lfilter(rolling_filter, 1., rho ** 2)
return rho_s
v = np.amax(rho_s, axis=-1)
v = np.sum(rho ** 2, axis=-1)
if seed_method.lower() != 'manual':
for k in range(nr):
# we take the highest value of the blurred total image and we define it as
# the center of the neuron
ind = np.argmax(v)
ij = np.unravel_index(ind, d[0:-1])
for c, i in enumerate(ij):
center[k, c] = i
# we define a squared size around it
ijSig = [[np.maximum(ij[c] - gHalf[c], 0), np.minimum(ij[c] + gHalf[c] + 1, d[c])]
for c in range(len(ij))]
# we create an array of it (fl like) and compute the trace like the pixel ij through time
dataTemp = np.array(
Y[tuple([slice(*a) for a in ijSig])].copy(), dtype=np.float32)
traceTemp = np.array(np.squeeze(rho[ij]), dtype=np.float32)
coef, score = finetune(dataTemp, traceTemp, nIter=nIter)
C[k, :] = np.squeeze(score)
dataSig = coef[..., np.newaxis] * \
score.reshape([1] * (Y.ndim - 1) + [-1])
xySig = np.meshgrid(*[np.arange(s[0], s[1])
for s in ijSig], indexing='xy')
arr = np.array([np.reshape(s, (1, np.size(s)), order='F').squeeze()
for s in xySig], dtype=int)
indices = np.ravel_multi_index(arr, d[0:-1], order='F')
A[indices, k] = np.reshape(
coef, (1, np.size(coef)), order='C').squeeze()
Y[tuple([slice(*a) for a in ijSig])] -= dataSig.copy()
if k < nr - 1 or seed_method.lower() != 'auto':
Mod = [[np.maximum(ij[c] - 2 * gHalf[c], 0),
np.minimum(ij[c] + 2 * gHalf[c] + 1, d[c])] for c in range(len(ij))]
ModLen = [m[1] - m[0] for m in Mod]
Lag = [ijSig[c] - Mod[c][0] for c in range(len(ij))]
dataTemp = np.zeros(ModLen)
dataTemp[tuple([slice(*a) for a in Lag])] = coef
dataTemp = _imblur(dataTemp[..., np.newaxis],
sig=gSig, siz=gSiz, kernel=kernel)
temp = dataTemp * score.reshape([1] * (Y.ndim - 1) + [-1])
rho[tuple([slice(*a) for a in Mod])] -= temp.copy()
if rolling_sum:
rho_filt = scipy.signal.lfilter(
rolling_filter, 1., rho[tuple([slice(*a) for a in Mod])] ** 2)
v[tuple([slice(*a) for a in Mod])] = np.amax(rho_filt, axis=-1)
v[tuple([slice(*a) for a in Mod])] = \
np.sum(rho[tuple([slice(*a) for a in Mod])] ** 2, axis=-1)
center = center.tolist()
center = []
res = np.reshape(Y, ([0:-1]), d[-1]),
order='F') + med.flatten(order='F')[:, None]
# model = NMF(n_components=nb, init='random', random_state=0)
model = NMF(n_components=nb, init='nndsvdar')
b_in = model.fit_transform(np.maximum(res, 0)).astype(np.float32)
f_in = model.components_.astype(np.float32)
return A, C, np.array(center, dtype='uint16'), b_in, f_in